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Step into the evolving IT and digital landscape with Alisa Mazepina, a dynamic expert transforming how businesses and individuals navigate the digital world. In this episode of Create the Future Now, Alisa shares her journey and offers actionable insights on simplifying digital spaces for productivity and clarity and harnessing no-code tools for efficiency. Alisa Mazepina is a trailblazer in IT and digital consulting. From managing coworking spaces to becoming a ServiceNow developer and launching DIGIFEMME, a platform empowering women to master no-code tools. Alisa has built a career dedicated to empowering businesses and individuals to embrace digital tools and streamline their workflows.
All right, so hello everyone and welcome to our Innovatology episode. This one is about unlocking digital world for everyone. And we will be really curious about another perspective because Innovatology is one-stop shop to the latest innovation and we have a vision that we don’t leave anybody behind in the digital world. So this conversation will be really crucial about how we can actually make digital world accessible to everyone. How can we get on the board people who are maybe a bit skeptical about the new innovations and technology? And we will be discussing this today with amazing Alisa. So Alisa, can you please introduce yourself to our audience? Hi guys, I’m glad I can be here with you today. Thank you Marie so much for your invitation.
I’ve been looking forward to our conversation like since few months when we have met and started to think about or talk about our common goals basically. And like in the minutes we clicked and like wow, we have the same vision. We want to create a digital world for everyone, not only for the tech IT people. So I’m glad we’re on the same way. Thank you. Thank you, Marie. And this year I’ve created like the project of mine with a heart full of hopes to get more women in the digital and IT world. We call ourselves Diggifam. So, we are a digital woman, and we are trying to embrace and unlock digital confidence in all of the work we do.
women around us, but for sure we are not only women in the community, everyone are welcome here, but the thing is that we as women are more struggling to getting into tech, we are afraid, a lot of us have an imposter syndrome, which is also a big topic, and that’s why we have created Digifemme, we want to help women to overcome this imposter syndrome and be more confident that they can do it, because with the technology nowadays, with the no-code, low-code, which we are focusing on, you can be your own. You can be your own IT guy, so you don’t need to, I don’t know, wait several months to someone to build you an app or create a website which is appealing and great and won’t cost you millions or like thousands of crowns, dollars or whatever, you can just use the no-code tools for all of it and it’s amazing.
You can have like more easier learning curve, but you still have to have some like analytical thinking, and we are helped to help for the ones who want to join us on this road. This is an own website, because I, for example, my business personally started by creating my own website, and it’s just like a one-stop shop. It’s a one-step where I just let go all of my creation, and I started to create marieolivie. com, and I was struggling for a really long time that what was, for example, for my brother, really natural to, for example, like search for something inside the website builder, for me was a really big struggle, and I really think until today, even though I’m in IT field, that really it’s because the website builders were built by men.
And this is why the women cannot go, cannot get naturally the logic behind, because it was not created by women. So can you tell us more about how do you support women in the digital space? How do you help them in getting on the board? I guess like it all starts with examples and with inspiration. Like first thing first, you have to tell them you can do this. Right, it’s all about the mindset, and naturally, we are more afraid of trying new things out. You’re more like in some technical word, conservative side, and like, no, I’m not good with technology. You know, I can do that. So it’s always start like here, you know, you have to encourage them like, hey, you’re using Instagram,
you are using like already, for example, you have to encourage them like, hey, you’re using Instagram, you are using like already, for example, you have to encourage them like, hey, you’re using like already, for example, like, dedicated Gmail, you have started with it like a few years ago, and you mastered it, right? you’re using it. So there is no big difference. It’s just another tool. And it’s not a school anymore. So you don’t have to be afraid that you’re doing something wrong. Don’t be afraid to do and screw it up on the first place. Yeah, it’s have a learning curve. We’re not at school. There’s no one who can tell you, no, like you’re bad girl, you will have like, a minus like because you scored something up; no, you have to find join it and be playful and be curious.
So this is like the first step what we want to show women: hey, we all make mistakes. We started also like few years ago. I’m not in tech, oh like from the beginning I was switching my career like uh after 30; on 32, I have decided to go into it because uh I just liked it. I like the that you can teach like everything you can teach from the start or you have to uh be curious because technology is always evolving and you have to stay on site. And this is I think this is what makes our brains also younger; you know when you learn new things, it’s uh like building a muscle right? But you have to start and I have started slowly. I did myself.
Like a morning ritual that I have 10 minutes in the subway when I go to work, that I open an application, uh, which was, uh, when you can, um, study, uh, JavaScript or SQL, like something that it’s, um, you know, when you’re in the field you want to go in, and with these small steps just try with the small steps, yeah, try this tool, try this tool, and you will see. Okay, I have tried this, I had to adapt, be in the game with it, and then naturally evolve it’s okay for also for us women to take it slowly so you don’t overdo it from the first place, and then like go now, it’s great, I don’t want to do this experiment again, um, so keep doing it, to have a large momentum.
um yeah yeah yeah i like to um uh tell like this thing about the comfort zone you have to not go outside outside the comfort zone but you have like to widen it you know for me like when you’re going out it’s like oh no i have to i don’t know like more negative for me like in the other but when you see okay i have i want to have wider comfort so you know i want to be comfortable in the new things it’s not i have to like overcome something no i i want to become more in a way to feel more freedom if i want to do this myself i want to have a freedom to do it myself and not to i don’t know search for it guy or girl it doesn’t matter who will do it for me you Still, you can have you still can write it’s not about uh it’s nothing wrong with that but
anyways you don’t have to so if you have a little bit like analytical skills and I think the first is passion and curiosity you can do it yourself and I’m likedo it yourself girl from my heart so yeah it’s it’s a really nice elaboration especially with the mindset that um I am also not coming purely from the IT field it was always my dream to work in it since my 15 years old but I actually came back after I finished all of my education which was like outside of it and I’m usually going into the IT field when I really want to relax because one plus one equals two and that’s it like it’s a really logical process and i’m really enjoying it with like having a blend between like creativity and uh the technology and innovation because in creativity you need constant and like get out of uh your your your your your your your your your your your your your your your your your your
your brain you need to like really go into the imagination visualization whereas in technology it’s really logical and one plus one equals two and i’m like super frustrated or super i love it because one plus one equals two so like i really like it that it’s like either or that it’s never in between As for the creative fields, uh, so it’s really interesting that uh, really like it’s a lot. Working with the mindset and I even have it now, I don’t know what about you, but for me, like when I need to learn or I want to learn a new software, I usually start to like have a bit of anxiety. Like, oh my god, it will take long, like it’s a new software, I don’t know how it works, I don’t want to complete all of these like onboarding webinars that they sent me, it will take ages.
But I have it always like this and then I’m like, just talking to myself, and I’m like, ‘this is just the normal stage’ and just don’t just accept it that you need to learn it, just you. don’t need to learn and you just need to use it it’s like a riding a bike you just need to sit on the bike and ride it and yeah you will fell you will fall fell down so then you go sleep you try and uh again tomorrow and you just continue until you are totally used to to drive that new innovation so i don’t know do you sometimes have also like up and down so when it doesn’t work for you at all and
how do you deal with it uh all the time girl all the time you know uh like mastering some new tool or just like this interface it’s the more pain like once you start and dive into it like last week i started to work more with the make uh And it was like, ‘Okay, I have to do it, I have to do it, I have to do it, but when, when I have uh, thirst, what is helping to have a something you really need to do so? I had the challenge to overcome or like the practical example that I really need to do something and uh, example, you know, to have a notification from my Google Sheet and I have searched all the internet how to do it like in the Google Workspace and when I have a notification,
I ended up like, ‘Okay, this is not working, I have to do it with Make and like, okay, I want to do it really for a really long time and now I have uh, the goal so just I went like okay let’s dive in and i have dived in and like i spent eight hours with it uh and it was working not working like different scenarios but in the end i have a functional scenario that i can use and i can uh go and show it to the one of uh clients on um our project what we are working together on with the check digital and show it to uh the our um non-government i can say it to the company which we are uh helping non-governmental organizations yes yeah also just to give disclaimer to our audience it’s
like a digital czechia so it’s actually a project which is i think that they are explaining that they are like a course where all Of the non-governmental organizations from the Czech Republic can apply, and then they are working with mentors, with the tech experts, and with the different people inside Digital Czechia because they have a vision that through this structure they can actually put the digitalization of the Czech Republic on another level. Because the digitalization of the non-governmental organizations which are usually for the societal change… So I’m there a mentor for the Prague Pride, and we do really cool stuff and lots of things. I don’t know who you have there, Alisa, with whom you work… I’m in the role of technical expert.
Uh, and, uh, we, we have I have two um organizations, one is for helping Ukrainian people in the Moravia region, and second one is for helping of um child adoption uh parenting something like around uh this topic. And um, I was really glad that uh, like both of them, both of the organization have a such like great approach toward it, you know? That they’re really passionate about it, they’re really passionate about it, and they’re really passionate about it! They know they have struggles, and they want to change it, and it’s really encouraging, inspiring, and for me, it was exactly this like great, like uh kick to go and explore something. new so i can help them so i think also for us as a woman uh who are like more supportive uh in our nature and want to help others this could be a good example and uh
it’s like good uh inner goal you know i want to know how to do it because of that i can help some other people so this was like my latest um i don’t know like kicking to the new technology nice but it’s not also like just for myself but for greatest good let’s say okay nice i really like that you like it that you are also learning alongside because it’s a also different structure working with non-governmental organizations it’s different than we for example do etc and you at the beginning spoke a bit about your project digifam so digifemme etc so can you tell us more about how did you came up with this idea that you want to start with this project and how did you come up with it uh it was a lot of work and i think it was a lot of work and i think it was a lot of work
almost exactly a year ago and i was working as a no-code developer and implementer for the service now with the service now technology uh for a year and a half for the big netherlands corporate company and uh after like a year and something i felt that i’m missing something and uh also uh it was like uh right after i had surgery so i was at home like laying down and like thinking was thinking about my life so uh i had a plenty of time and uh i was thinking hey how i did get there i’m like in my bed after surgery i know that i almost burn out uh on my way to it and i have to change something and what led me to this was that i was like oh my god i’m like
oh my god i have to change something and what led me to this was that i was like oh my god i’m like uh it uh as you said it’s not built for women and it have a really um not the best pace for us to like be in our more feminine way let’s say and when you are not from the beginning the technical brain and you have to reteach yourself how to uh think about things differently it take a lot of energy from you and just like my body was not built for that and so this is like was a learning curve for me and my personal experience but it’s in the same way it was this trigger point when like i said why do i like have this environment
we like change it a little bit so it’s like suitable for both for women and men to be in it because i see a lot of uh people struggling but not only women but also men is uh not in the best shape in this uh field you know they are not in best condition either physically or mentally they’re also like working for uh you know they’re not in the best condition either Physically or mentally, but they’re working for 16 hours a day and this is for sure not sustainable for anyone. And this was for me like, ‘Okay, I want to build something which is more suitable for us women that we have our time and our pace to learn new things.’ We need another kind of support through our way to the new path of technology, and guys just don’t know how to do it.
It’s not their fault; it’s no one’s fault. But they are built in another way; they think another way. And uh, we have to re-teach ourselves, let’s say, like for other people you know? So for me, it was like personal ‘go’, okay, let’s build some new community what we can. Be yourself, women go on our pace, uh encourage support ourselves and show also the other guys girls that we can do it a little bit another way. And also, that there is a something like code, no code, low code, and this is the perfect place for girls/ women to start their journey to [it] because you don’t have to have like the pro coding skills in the beginning, so you can try it, you can see if you like it or not, if it’s suitable for you or not, and then decide if you want to dive in deeper or you’re okay just with that.
Because this was something that I was missing when I started my uh career switch to it there was either tester or project manager. Or developer, so and I end up that I didn’t like the tester uh profession; it was too much repetitive and uh, it wasn’t like that’s exciting. But like, with developing, it’s again it was like too scary for me on the beginning, so I think this is the path for a lot of uh great minds uh, of a woman with the analytical just analytical thinking. I really like their elaboration about uh, like that indeed; like it wasn’t built for women and that they are trying to support women to land in the digital when I’m seeing like how the it has developed over the years because for me it was really in a traditional way when, for example, I was like 15 years old it was really male dominated field men who were like in the darkness
just like coding on their computer like sitting for 16 hours and since then it have developed really a lot because right now we also speak about well-being and even the it field have really expanded that it seems to me that everything is it to some extent that uh like we are like digitizing ourselves on social media we have like agriculture where we are like supporting with technology the agriculture we have at tech we have a cryptocurrency so where do you actually think that the it starts and where it ends isn’t it actually like the new normal that We are living in the currently exactly, yeah, it is, yeah, yeah, and this was also one of the like logic behind that every business now needs to master some technology; everyone you cannot just like be without it, so uh, you have to change your attitude, like, not to be against it, but okay, this is exactly new normal, and you have to master it to stay on board,
yeah, so you can compete with other ones and work faster and more effective, more efficient, and it also held a lot of like opening a lot of new doors with the new job roles, job positions, like, you know, like a few years ago I couldn’t like imagine that there’s something like citizen developers. or um that company needs power user of some program or i think like every company should have now like someone like this and i would be very happy to be a part of that but i don’t think digital officer who will go with the on the like pace of technologies and uh be aware what company is using and if it’s compliant
if it’s used on the hundred percent when you pay for some app uh and not introduce new digital tool when you have another which are doing exactly the same thing wasting your time and money and onboarding of the employees which is uh one of more pain points with the within the company’s adoption of the new tools so i think this is one of like the new roles which will be needed uh globally and when you’re looking at just so many tools and the software is being deployed on daily basis how would you what would you recommend to our audience who is currently watching us to keep up with the pace of digital space so like how can i uh keep up with everything what is going on to not get overheld or burn out at the same time
um i do always recommend to start with what you need what you really need to do your daily job on um when you know your processes then you can start explore things because you will have a plan and i also recommend to do like internal check-in what tools you all already have you’re paying for or you are using and if you’re using it on the right way and with all functionalities that you have you don’t do you are using it intially if you are not able to do it site-site right way and with all functionalities share i don’t think it’s like only effectiveness and i buy things tools we always put
into these missing materials which are internet learning of times that uh someone is trying to searching some for new tool and did like didn’t even think about that he’s already have it you know you’re already using something what have built in this uh functionality but you just don’t know because you didn’t take time to go to search or like explore the tool you already have so this is like my first step like go and do internal check-in on tools you have on processes you have and uh who are using it like for me like every project is from like from three perspectives you have tools you have processes and you have people so first you have to check those three pillars you say is they like
it’s like a stool you have to like your project to stay in place and be stable those are the three things we are starting with and then i really like it because i was also in a challenge recently with uh That uh, I actually bought a software specifically for a specific thing and it was quite expensive. And it was about like, for example, scheduling on social media. But then, like, I bought a software for the CRM, and then I realized that inside that CRM there is also scheduling system. And therefore, like, that scheduling system which was quite expensive is totally redundant for me, that I paid. And I ended up with two scheduling systems right now, but based on like my educational curve, I could not avoid it because at that time I just looked into the solution for the scheduling tool and i didn’t look for the CRM.
Now, I’m looking for An inside the theorem, there was scheduling tool, and I was like, ‘Yeah, but there is no possibility for me to skip that step because it’s just like the evolution of my business and like how I proceed stuff so it’s um, yeah, uh, I found it a bit uh, a bit pitiful at the end and quite expensive, yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s also normal and this is part of it, you’re going to make mistakes and you have to be okay with it. This is part of the learning new things so um, it’s called experience always, it’s not a thought, it’s experience, new experience, and when you overcome that fear, it’s like, ‘Okay, I just paid for it but right now, I know, but in this case, it’s good to have.
Someone, sometimes, external which you can talk to, maybe you can avoid it because he went through the same way right so he already went through the same path as you did and maybe he can then or she can tell you like and did you think about okay if you want to expand let’s say do you will you need connection to other tools you already have so maybe we should look uh if they have both functions not only this or that and um then you maybe can avoid it like when you just talk with people that’s at least what I do when I’m trying to uh solve some problem I do talk with a lot of people from the field, collect their feedback and their.
Experiences and trying to learn from their mistakes, so I can possibly possibly avoid mine, but it’s also normal that you will have your own always. It’s actually that I got a social media scheduling tool I got recommended, so it was not that I would like necessarily need it, it was just recommended to me that it can like save a lot of time for me. I was like, ‘Wow, yes, I need it but it was like exactly what you said: you should find out what you need yourself for your business in order to look for the best tool. So, I knew that I needed right now the scheduling tool to facilitate my life, and then the second priority was CRM. I was like, ‘Okay, I don’t’ I don’t need a CRM tool now, maybe in the future.
But if I would actually like look at the bigger picture of what are the different needs I could then like connect these and like all right there is a tool which gives me both CRM as well as the scheduling but yeah this is maybe for you guys who are listening to us learn from people’s mistake if you want to invest in the social media scheduling tool, really look into other options that have maybe some other integrations not just the scheduling tool. Yep, think about more and more complex because integrations are the most expensive thing you have on the it is so much easier to use. Those tools, of course, so don’t even go
out there and look like oh hey where did you come from, different how did you get this out it and spend so much time and money on connecting something you’re using because it’s already connected, yeah same for Apple like they also have like all these calendars, GMail’s uh cloud storages uh even each of them have their uh no code apps uh already built in so you can make your own application within this ecosystem so or CRM uh and Planet Planners they already have a lot of it so explore that you have the first when I would recommend also use some free tools like at least for, they are offering. The free trials uh or freemium programs, so try the free ones, then only after using it, see if it suits you, then invest in buying something.
Usually, when there’s a free trial, I always get tricked because I want to use as many as many features as possible and then that exact the feature that I need is then like leading me, but you need to upgrade, you need to get out from the free trial if you want to use this exact feature that you need, because we know that you need it. So, I always get tricked on the free trial, and then it becomes… yes, the most expensive stuff in the online business nowadays is technology, like uh, software. uh the subscriptions etc it’s uh really never-ending stuff for online business yeah yeah but yeah it’s uh it would be nice to do you know some like a tool like a calculator or like some tool that would exactly like for you as online business that would tell you what in the ecosystem is going on and what is going on in the ecosystem and what is going on in the ecosystem
is out there and how you can for example what are the advantages and disadvantages for using google with google you can like connect it to this there are these features available these are not available and then the pricings like uh to connect it then like to compare It’s with Microsoft, for example. What is the difference between the paths that you are using? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! I actually uh, this is also like part of my job, for my clients, for the companies to go and compare like finds and compare the solutions before we are implementing it. So uh, when I sit with the like owners or managers, um, I’m talking with them about the processes, about what they are using, which are their main uh business flows, and what they need to think of.
Because, like in a way, it’s not like it’s not; every company there are things like HR CRM uh, like operation works with the calendars mails and things like that right if you have like the space you have facility so you have to like be aware how many i don’t know um chairs you have in the office and things like that or have like cards with access to office and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on after collecting all this information and of marketing of course and um like accounting and then we are trying to find like the best possible solution which will not uh cost the
thousands of dollars per month per month and think also about the growth of the company because a lot of application have a cost per person and since you Grow, you will have to pay more and more, yes, so, and then only after, like this step, when we go through this and see what they already have, what they are already using, and if we can, they can use it more. Then I go, we just like as you said, try to go okay, we are paying this much for this, this much for this, this much for this. It has these functionalities okay, we need extra this or extra this, do we already have it somewhere, or we have to find a new tool?
Then I will go and search the best possible tool based on the information I have about the company so this is like part of my job to uh save the money and uh time of companies to and use that. They have to to the maximum, yeah. So they’re already paying for it, right? So they should use it. Do you also do it for small and mean medium companies for startups or you focus mainly on the big corporations? No, basically it’s it’s the opposite right now. After working with the corporate world, I have switched to small and medium companies because I think they’re the ones who need the most support. Like, big corporates already should have like their CFOS who are taking care of that, and the ones who are struggling right now are the small business owners and medium companies.
So this is like my field for now, and uh also I would like To support more women businesses, so they’re not struggling with it. Nice guys, if you are struggling with finding your tech processes and the tools what you need, and you just end up with a problem then you should use the best possible tool. Lots of bills then just call Alisa and she will be revamping and making your technical audit of what you need to do so you can save a lot of time and a lot of money because it’s a really exhausting journey, it’s not impossible, I don’t say that it’s not, if you also embark on doing it yourself. But it really costs money which is also different in terms like to figuring out yourself.
What the software is actually capable of, if it has the function that you need, and then actually realizing that it’s not what you want-it’s just a never-ending magical cycle of struggles here in the digital space. Can you tell me also more about how people can interact with DigiFam so now when for example there is somebody like watching us, how they can join you or like what do you have? What do you have for the people to offer? How can they can search you or like get in contact with you? The easiest step is follow us on social media, on Instagram link it in. We are sharing new tips tricks from the digital world very often.
We are encouraging uh people around us to be playful and try new things search the market for the new coolest tools and we are also doing the regular webinars on different tools with the again no-quote-local so everyone can just hop in and try for themselves and we are talking in the normal people language not the little and too complicated we are focusing in the normal people language not the the or like people like you and me who just started a few years ago and want to go dive deeper and encourage them to start learning new things and master it. And also we have a website. So, but right now we are located in Czech Republic. So most of our clients are Czech based, but I’m also working with the foreign companies.
One of my clients is also worldwide company for like travel, also travel software for the other big companies. And we are like doing the IT documentation with them and preparing for some ISO certifications and also cleaning up the, the digital mess which they have over 10 years of existence. And it’s, it will be still like a journey. Yeah, that we are in the good way. And as I see, like the first thing first is to do an audit of the, what you already have and use it to the maximum. So we are on, on the right track. Nice. And now I would like to embark on a bit, a motivational journey because you mentioned a lot about your clients that you are working in Czech Republic, that you work with, with companies, et cetera.
And we got one question from the audience and it’s about how can companies and institution actively promote inclusion for women in digital world beyond just hiring. So, how actually big companies or even like startups, SMEs, how they can promote the inclusion of the women in the digital world and not just hire them? Because we know that there is like gender parity that a lot of companies, they try to do like 50% men and 50% women, but then they don’t really actively engage them in the work. So how can we more, advice, for example, to the companies, what they can do more to promote inclusion? I think that creating the, the environment and willing to change the way they have been working like before, and will really help.
I think also things like internal conversations and kind of trainings, because I know it’s not an easy topic. Even when we had like the company I used to work in before they have like cultural training, because there was people from, from all over the world and they have a different approach, processes to hierarchy of the positions. And I think this is kind of the same if they will be willing to spend time on it, like when you don’t have to work, but okay, Sit in one room and discuss it, trying to find out the way they can improve it together, like having a conversation-it really helped; it really starts so maybe even um posting on social media like asking the questions, ‘Hey guys, what would be like your ideal environment?
Is looking for you, what’s your want to work in you know in case of atmosphere and the processes, what can help you to be part of our company and be effective, productive, but also satisfied and happy. So I think this is like, can be the tool-asking just ask; ask your audience; ask the people you want to work with, what do they want? I really love it, especially sometimes I really struggle with um let’s say that you are even asking proactively for something, like for example, that I am uh the employee of some company and I’m like asking in the company, uh that I need this because this would actually facilitate um faster uh faster dealing with that exact work, and I think that currently we are also facing a lot that uh how to translate
to the business that this is really good return of investment because like uh if you especially are an owner of um the big corporation like everybody is uh sometime like asking for something and you just cannot like make all of the people’s dreams comes true but it’s sometimes also to speak your audience language so like what the people on the other side want to hear so like for example if me in it need some new feature which will actually facilitate my time i will have bigger visibility over my processes etc it’s always better to speak the language of the person who needs to give approval for example translate it to the money direction that this will save your time and therefore you can work on other tasks and this can also help to also translate the other people’s language because not ever not A lot of times, business not necessarily speak IT language, and IT not necessarily speak business language.
I think that you are also totally familiar with this topic, I guess yes, basically the last few years I’m doing exactly that. I also have in my LinkedIn that I’m connecting IT and business because I do speak now like both languages, so I can be like this mediator between them. Also, it’s saying like business, IT or woman, and man because I also work with a lot of men like in my community and I serve as a translator for them, that’s like okay, she’s not because you didn’t do this but because she needs that and that. That for you, she just needed support, but you didn’t like you know, or they’re you’re talking about the same thing, but in different terms, so don’t like be you know still you’re on the same board, you’re going same direction, yeah, mediator so I think it’s as you said it’s really good to find the people who have this skill that they do understand both sides
and then they can figure out the best solution, yeah, and avoid conflicts or misunderstandings because most of the things is misunderstanding, no one wants to hurt anyone, it’s just like they don’t I don’t know speak the same language even it’s the same language you know so yeah. It’s, it’s, it’s really a great point, Maria. Yeah, nice and you also spoke about that you weren’t necessarily ‘IT’ from the beginning. So my last question will be about the advice to the women who are for example hesitant about stepping into the digital world, especially if she for example feels underqualified or out of the place in the digital I hear a lot for example from the people
with whom I am speaking for example about AI, everybody knows that is out there but we have a two camps one camp is like totally on the board like really like ‘oh my God my life changed since I started to use AI, my uh life is super efficient because it’s my personal assistant and the second camp is about the rather being hesitant like I know that it’s out there maybe I asked AI in the past how are you but uh I’m not really using it on the daily basis so what would you advise to a woman who is hesitant about stepping into the digital world or other Technologies that are out there um I think it’s important is find yourself a buddy who will be guide for you on the beginning who you trust
who you know who have patience with you and uh that he’s speaking the same language and so you’re not going to end up with asking question and feeling guilty about asking question I also know this kind Of situations, uh, again because sometimes our, uh, friends are not, uh, you know naturally born teachers. So, find yourself a buddy or like coach or mentor who can step-by-step guide you on this world who can, uh, show you real-life examples of how do they use it in their daily work and maybe try to help you with understanding how to do it. Ask Mo Motion Меня and Damon to talk a little bit more about together with him, uh, okay which// quest are repetitive for you and you would like to automate or think about it differently and let’s try it together and I think this is the for me personally.
It was this that helped me a lot having people around me who I can ask and they will answer without judgment, without don’t like uh looking forward to work, and how wants your answer is, and practice the work at me like I’m dumb or I why do I don’t use it or understand it just like yeah okay sure I will show you how I use it, you know, so find yourself a buddy like that. Also, the second step for me was having a whole community of like-minded people, yeah if you will find yourself a community who are have same struggles but want to change it, I want to learn new things, it will help you a lot. It’s all about the people who are around you so support.
yourself with other people you know surround yourself with other people who are passionate about it and want to share their knowledge so this would be like my i guess uh one and the best advice yeah wow i really love it and this is also why we are here together with uh digifemme the founder of Digifemme alisa and also like what we also do in innovatology is not leaving anybody behind so you can definitely find a mentor among us here in this space you can ask us any question guys on linkedin or instagram we are quite active on social media so don’t hesitate to go to one of our podcasts and we will see you in the next video bye pages And search for help if you need, because even though we are both digital, we are coming from slightly different fields, so it really depends where you will feel more comfortable and where you will find what you are looking for.
And thank you so much Alisa, because today that’s a prep for today’s episode of Create the Future Now. And I hope that you enjoyed the conversation and gained some valuable insights into how the women are using the digital space or how to deal with digital transformation, not only of your company but also of your life, because we didn’t cover only the professional matter but also the personal. Always, we are here to help you navigate the evolving digital landscape and create an impactful future with technology. If you love today’s episode, don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and hit the bell icon, so you don’t miss the next episode. Leave us a review and share it with others who are also excited about innovation. You can also follow Innovatology on social media for more updates, tips, and behind-the-scenes content. And thank you again to Alisa for joining us today and sharing your expertise. And thank you to you, our listeners, for tuning in. Until next time, stay curious. As we mentioned so many times, innovation. and technology is about the curiosity and stay innovative and keep building the future now so thank you and see you next time thank you very much thank you.
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